Welding Course
New dates for 2025!
Learn the fundamentals of metal work with a 3-session introduction to welding. We’ll teach you how to cut and shape steel, then stick it back together, allowing you to craft whatever you want. Primarily, you’ll learn how to use a TIG welder guided by Professional Fabricator – Jake. Why TIG? – It’s the cleaner, quieter, more artisanal form of welding. It also allows you to weld more metals and alloys than any other process. For those looking to make some sparks, don’t worry you’ll have access to Stick Welding and Oxy-Acetylene equipment too.
Cool off after with a beer from Monteiths or AF Drink.
*If you would like to be added to the class waitlist, please email hello@thetuesdayclub.co.nz*