Fukushima Protest Art Print
3-colour hand-printed lithographic art print – 60x60cm
Limited edition of 30 prints.
Printed with APS Editions.
Artist statement:
I didn’t plan to make this poster,
I love Japan and pretty much everything Japanese,
But on hearing that the best solution Japan could come up with to the problem of the millions of gallons of nuclear waste from the disaster at the Fukushima power plant, was to dilute it in the pacific ocean, a process to be undertaken over the next 30 years, and a process sanctioned by the international atomic authority, I was angry, at the short sighted stupidity, and frustrated that people who I didn’t trust were making decisions that would affect all of us and every generation to come.
As John, my printing friend said, it’s like pissing in the communal pool, not too bad if only one person does it, but if one does, then who’s to stop everyone else doing the same.
It’s the precedent.
For most, the Fukushima nuclear disaster is a distant memory, a bit of history.
The horror is just beginning.
And the world is letting it happen.
Every year for the next 30, Japan will release more of its stored radioactive waste into the Pacific, where it will disperse and become diluted to levels which are claimed to be harmless.
No radioactive waste is harmless.
Tritium and carbon-14, the two radioactive elements in the Fukushima waste are both know to cause cancer, malformation, mutation and birth defects in humans, and once they enter the food chain they are there for the life, 5000 years in the case of carbon-14 and 12 years in the case of tritium.
It fucked me off so much I had to make some art. I had to let people know how I felt, and perhaps find a few people who felt the same, maybe a few million, maybe the whole fucking world should wake up and say – not on my fucking watch mate.
So yeah, Fuck you Shima.
Look after your own dirty waste and don’t piss in our communal pool and tell us fine.
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